So I love movies, especially movies with plot twists. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about the scripture is like a story. It has a beginning, a middle, and an end. I started pondering what this looks like. I thought for a second about a movie version of scripture. I mean it has war and violence, sex and romance, good guys and bad guys, and even a big plot twist. Certainly seems like the type of movie I would watch.
So let me start off by saying that its true, that scripture is like a story. In fact its a story that's in progress right now. The end of the story hasn't happened yet. This means that you are a character in this story. Think about this for a second. If scripture was made into a movie, what actor/actress would play you?
The fact is that Scripture does in fact have a beginning, middle, and end. Its important to know and understand all of these elements. Know this is just my opinion, but this has really helped me to understand more of scripture, and helped me to share use it missionally. I took the "Star Wars" approach to scripture. Which is essentially understanding the middle of the story first. Then going back and understanding the beginning, and finally seeing how it all plays out in the end. (I know, I know, George Lucas hasn't made the end of the Star Wars Series, but lets just pretend for a minute)
This approach was really helpful, because I read the Gospels first. This helped me to understand the character of Jesus. How he acted, the things he said etc. It made me see elements of his personality. It also helped me to understand the beginning of the story. If you read about how Jesus came and died in the Gospels, when you read the Old Testament, you understand why he did that. Lastly, when you read the end, you know where the story is going. You can be prepared for whats gonna happen, so you wont be caught of guard by any plot or character changes. Read them in whatever fashion you prefer, but get engaged to the story of Scripture.
Now here's where the real fun comes in. Go and share the Gospel with someone in the context of a story. I really enjoy the movie 'Fight Club'. In this movie the end is shown first. Then it recaps the last little while to show how it got here. Try to take the Fight Club approach to sharing the Gospel this week. Most people know that Jesus died, and maybe some even know why he died, but I feel as though there are many who don't get the whole picture. Maybe the ending of Fight Club has been ruined for you, but that doesn't change the fact that seeing the movie play out is still interesting. I already am prepared for the plot twist every time and I still really enjoy seeing how it gets there.
So consider taking this approach. Share the end first. Explain Jesus death. Explain how and why he did it. Explain what it meant, the significance in had then, as well as for the rest of eternity. But then try something different. Go back and explain how baby, born in a stable, Jesus, goes through life, and all the way to eyes of fire Jesus. You just might be surprised how people will react. Even if they have heard the story many times, if you can share it in this creative way it could be much more effective. I know it was for me.
So the First Rule of Scripture Sharing is, you DO talk about Jesus. The Second Rule of Scripture Sharing is, you DO talk about Jesus.....