Dear Student,
I remember clearly what I was feeling just 3 short years ago when I was in 'your shoes.' The excitement of being 'on my own' the fear of 'growing up', The anticipation of living with my roommate, and yet the frustration of still not knowing my class schedule or what textbooks I will need. The rush of emotions that was just enough to keep me hooked, and enough to keep me fearful and on my toes. I only expect that you are having the same rush that I was experiencing.
Know that although at this moment in time I do not know you, you are on my heart. I have been praying for you all summer. I wait eagerly for the day where I will be introduced to you, and I am excited to see how our friendship develops from there. Even if you never read these words, or wouldn't trust them even if you did, you are in good hands. Myself, and all of my friends at Intervarsity love you and are looking forward to spending the next few years with you.
Know that college can be a very dangerous place. The temptations of sex, drugs, and alcohol are constantly in sight. Not to mention the struggles of classes, homework and bad advising. The stresses of this time of your life will be difficult, and painful. But again know, that you will be surrounded by people who care about you and want to share in these burdens, please let them. Know that you may rely on these people to help you satisfy any needs that might arise. Make good choices to resist evil, and choose Jesus. Don't be afraid of your faith. This campus needs more good Light. Take a stand in boldness for purity, and righteousness. Remember that the path is narrow, and few will find it. Rely on your friends to help and guide you into what could be the most important time of your life.
Many students, including myself at one point, come to college to 'find themselves' or find who they will be for the rest of their life. I encourage you to instead find Jesus, and to let him transform you into who you will be for his Kingdom. Be proud of this transfiguration and do not keep it to yourself. Share the good news of Jesus love and glory to your classmates, roommates, and family.
Whether you are looking for good Christian community, or are eager to seek and possibly make a first time commitment to follow Jesus, you will be cared for the same. You will be defended and prayed for on a regular basis. I hope that you will never feel alone, or homesick as many other college students will feel. Know that it will be by God's architecture that you are here at Northern Arizona University. You are right where you need to be.
So enjoy your college experience, enjoy your short time here. I hope that when you are finally in 'my shoes' you will have the same heart for new students. I assure you that you will be here before you know it. So with all this being said...
Welcome to the Real World.
This blog is about my life as a Missionary right where God has placed me. That place is my College Campus at Northern Arizona University.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
What the heck is up with Hell
As Told By
10:42 PM
My inspiration for this post strangely enough comes from a movie trailer. The trailer was for a movie about an exorcism. It was a all dark screen and then these creepy red letters faded in that read, "If you believe in God, Then you Must believe in the Devil." Oddly enough this scary commercial is actually very correct. I have also been taking classes all month about various religions and their believes. Some of the faiths that we were examining did not believe in any form of Hell. This class and some conversations that spurred from it got me thinking more and more about Hell. What it means, and what it doesn't mean etc.
Now the first thing to understand is that Hell is real. It is a real place where people really will go. Maybe this is a simple concept for some people, but there are lots of faiths that do not believe in Hell. Hell is important to my faith and here is why. Hell means that first off there is a choice. It means that I have to make a decision and live with the consequences of my actions. It also means that I have the power to determine where I end up. Hell also is accountability. If there is no Hell, and no punishment, then why should I follow the rules. Now please don't go off saying 'you should follow the rules because you want to,' my point is simply that I know what is in store for me if I choose to reject Jesus. Another thing is that Hell, means that God is perfect and just. Without some form of punishment / wrath then God is not acting justly. He is granting favoritism to certain people. The fact is that the knowledge of good and evil is made known to all, and there are real significant choices before us. Hell really is a punishment too. I have had conversations with people that believe that Hell is just a place where God doesn't 'visit'. While Hell is definitely separate from God and from Heaven, make no mistake, Hell is suffering. Final Hell is called the Lake of Fire. Vivid words to describe a intense form of suffering.
Now I suppose I could end my post here, but there are a few more points I want to make.
The first point is that Satan, much like Hell is also real. He really exists and is really on the prowl in the world right now. I know first hand just how twisted and deceitful he and followers can be. Satan is not some being with red skin and a pitch fork, like he is usually pictured in the movies, or comics about him. The 'Prince' of this world is very sneaky and is on the prowl to confuse and destroy Christ followers. A friend of mine said it to me in a way that really stood out, they said "[He is after you], because he hates you, and because you [as a Christian] are dangerous." Satan is trying to return people to the bondage of slavery where they once served.
Another thing I want to bring up is this argument that I heard from someone recently. "In our modern system of justice, penalties for breaking laws are based on the law that is broken. There is always a way to 'pay off' your debt to society. Even the death penalty, after someone is put to death, they have paid their debt. Why is it that People suffer eternally in Hell, and that debt cannot ever be paid off?"
To this my response is what someone who rejects Jesus is doing, is rejecting his salvation and his eternal life.
Since the life that he is offering is eternal, it seems to do justice to say that the penalty should also be eternal.
So all of this Hell/Satan/Punishment stuff being said, here are some things we can do.
1. Choose Jesus.
There really is alot at stake here. Following Jesus is about so much more than this life here on earth.
2. Reject Satan.
He will be right there to 'take you back' in a heartbeat. He will bring your deepest desires into view. He will speaking nothing but lies to you. Reject everything he says, and if it is bad enough, speak truth back, Satan is completely powerless against the power of truth, and the Word of God.
3. Be Open.
If you are confused about Jesus, or life after death, or Hell or Satan, talk to someone. Ask questions, look through Scripture. If you are conflicted by the enemy, get help from people, and become equip with truth and knowledge to defend yourself with the Sword of Righteousness that we call truth.
Now the first thing to understand is that Hell is real. It is a real place where people really will go. Maybe this is a simple concept for some people, but there are lots of faiths that do not believe in Hell. Hell is important to my faith and here is why. Hell means that first off there is a choice. It means that I have to make a decision and live with the consequences of my actions. It also means that I have the power to determine where I end up. Hell also is accountability. If there is no Hell, and no punishment, then why should I follow the rules. Now please don't go off saying 'you should follow the rules because you want to,' my point is simply that I know what is in store for me if I choose to reject Jesus. Another thing is that Hell, means that God is perfect and just. Without some form of punishment / wrath then God is not acting justly. He is granting favoritism to certain people. The fact is that the knowledge of good and evil is made known to all, and there are real significant choices before us. Hell really is a punishment too. I have had conversations with people that believe that Hell is just a place where God doesn't 'visit'. While Hell is definitely separate from God and from Heaven, make no mistake, Hell is suffering. Final Hell is called the Lake of Fire. Vivid words to describe a intense form of suffering.
Now I suppose I could end my post here, but there are a few more points I want to make.
The first point is that Satan, much like Hell is also real. He really exists and is really on the prowl in the world right now. I know first hand just how twisted and deceitful he and followers can be. Satan is not some being with red skin and a pitch fork, like he is usually pictured in the movies, or comics about him. The 'Prince' of this world is very sneaky and is on the prowl to confuse and destroy Christ followers. A friend of mine said it to me in a way that really stood out, they said "[He is after you], because he hates you, and because you [as a Christian] are dangerous." Satan is trying to return people to the bondage of slavery where they once served.
Another thing I want to bring up is this argument that I heard from someone recently. "In our modern system of justice, penalties for breaking laws are based on the law that is broken. There is always a way to 'pay off' your debt to society. Even the death penalty, after someone is put to death, they have paid their debt. Why is it that People suffer eternally in Hell, and that debt cannot ever be paid off?"
To this my response is what someone who rejects Jesus is doing, is rejecting his salvation and his eternal life.
Since the life that he is offering is eternal, it seems to do justice to say that the penalty should also be eternal.
So all of this Hell/Satan/Punishment stuff being said, here are some things we can do.
1. Choose Jesus.
There really is alot at stake here. Following Jesus is about so much more than this life here on earth.
2. Reject Satan.
He will be right there to 'take you back' in a heartbeat. He will bring your deepest desires into view. He will speaking nothing but lies to you. Reject everything he says, and if it is bad enough, speak truth back, Satan is completely powerless against the power of truth, and the Word of God.
3. Be Open.
If you are confused about Jesus, or life after death, or Hell or Satan, talk to someone. Ask questions, look through Scripture. If you are conflicted by the enemy, get help from people, and become equip with truth and knowledge to defend yourself with the Sword of Righteousness that we call truth.
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