Thursday, January 20, 2011

Its been a long time...

First things first, new template designs are coming soon. I need to dig out some textbooks, and other web resources to get some coding done. For now there are more important matters at hand, so enjoy the temporary template!

I suppose some of you might have thought I tossed in the towel when it came to blogging. Or that I couldn't honor the commitment I made to my friend to maintain a blog for an entire year. However; in this case you be would incorrect. I took some time off, but I am glad to be back now to once again share my thoughts. Below I will take a minute to explain why I took a break, and what I am doing about it now.

My last blog post was dated Nov. 8th. During the month of November, some strange things happened to me and my faith. A few things happened which caused me to feel hurt and frustrated. This caused me to become angry with God. I started a journey down an unhealthy path to becoming more and more angry at God. It left me weak, without my source of sustenance. I led myself to fields of dirt and dried up streams instead of the fields of green and still waters God was trying to bring me to.

As a 'leader' of sorts in my church I have to be careful about what things I 'teach'. I found myself giving some advice to a student that was more what I wanted to say, and not what God wanted to say to this student. It was in that moment that I knew I needed to get things resolved. I took some time off of ministry, and suspended some other activities where I was in a position of authority. I spend some time with God listening and being patient.

After I started listening to God again, and was able to give better advice to students, I still wasn't ready to get back into blogging or the swing of my ministry. God asked me to rest, and he led me back to the still waters and green pastures that I needed. I was eager to get back to things I cared about, but I soaked up the oasis that God had led me too. Now that I have had my rest, God has called me to step faithfully back into my role in ministry. This includes picking up my blog again.

So I aplogize for now writing for a while. Maybe some of you didn't even notice. I only have a few 'regular' readers anyway. Which reminds me, if you are reading this blog for the first time or have read it a few times, why not consider subscribing by clicking the 'Follow' button or clicking this link.

All of this to say, that I am back and I have a lot to share, so enjoy this time you probably should be spending doing homework ;-p.

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