People like this fictional character Ryan walk the pedway of my campus every day. It is my prayer that God will Welcome them to the Real World.
(I do not claim to own the rights to this video.)
This blog is about my life as a Missionary right where God has placed me. That place is my College Campus at Northern Arizona University.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Renew the Campus
As Told By
11:59 PM
A few months ago I posted a blog post entilted 'Transform'. This was a three part blog post that was dedicated to examinaing the Intervarsity Mission Statement. This is part two of that post.
The first post can be read here.
The mission statement again is: Transform the lives of students and faculty, Renew the campus, and Change the world. This is the mission statement of the ministry that I have decided to commit a large portion of my life to, and I want to ensure that the ministry is actively moving towards all of these things. In this section I will examine the statement, renew the campus.
In just two days Intervarsity students will sit down in small groups of approximately 5 students, and discuss being a Christian with their campus mates. It will be freshman through seniors. It will be men and women. It will Christians, and non-Christians. I for one am very excited. This is something that our campus has never done before. We are working to get the campus talking to each other, as opposed to a 'teacher'. There were more than 65 people that committed to inviting someone to this event, and leading them into a healthy discussion well.
Another number which excited me was that there are 153 people that are involved in Intervarsity Small Groups this year. That is 153 that are being taught/prepared/equipped and then commissioned to 'Go and make disciples' That is so exciting to know. That is more students that are involved in campus ministries at some schools. That is enough people to have a small church. That is enough people to get the attention of our campus mates.
The last number I want to talk about is that there is roughly 300 students involved in Intervarsity's ministry. Now for a long time I have presented this number in a negative way. In a campus of 20,000 that means that there is only 1.5% of the campus involved in this ministry. This was a number that really upset me. I figured that 1% seems so small compared to grand scheme of everything. I felt completely insignificant. But recently I examined this number more closely.
It is true that 1.5% is not alot of the campus, but 1.5% of the entire population would be 120,000,000 (120 million). So 1.5% makes a big difference when dealing with big numbers. Not to mention that there is an Intervarsity student involved in each academic college and program on campus. Not to mention that there is at least 1 student living in each of the on campus residence halls. This means that these students are spread out all over the campus. Lastly, if all 300 students were to congregate in some of the dining areas on campus, it would break fire code. It would certainly be enough to get peoples attention.
So rather than present this statistic in a negative manner, I am proud to say that Intervaristy is helping to renew the campus. So far we have changed 1.5% of our campus. I am eager to see how God will renew the remaining students on campus through the next few years. So I say with great joy in the Lord Christ Jesus, 1.5 down, 98.5 to go!
The first post can be read here.
The mission statement again is: Transform the lives of students and faculty, Renew the campus, and Change the world. This is the mission statement of the ministry that I have decided to commit a large portion of my life to, and I want to ensure that the ministry is actively moving towards all of these things. In this section I will examine the statement, renew the campus.
In just two days Intervarsity students will sit down in small groups of approximately 5 students, and discuss being a Christian with their campus mates. It will be freshman through seniors. It will be men and women. It will Christians, and non-Christians. I for one am very excited. This is something that our campus has never done before. We are working to get the campus talking to each other, as opposed to a 'teacher'. There were more than 65 people that committed to inviting someone to this event, and leading them into a healthy discussion well.
Another number which excited me was that there are 153 people that are involved in Intervarsity Small Groups this year. That is 153 that are being taught/prepared/equipped and then commissioned to 'Go and make disciples' That is so exciting to know. That is more students that are involved in campus ministries at some schools. That is enough people to have a small church. That is enough people to get the attention of our campus mates.
The last number I want to talk about is that there is roughly 300 students involved in Intervarsity's ministry. Now for a long time I have presented this number in a negative way. In a campus of 20,000 that means that there is only 1.5% of the campus involved in this ministry. This was a number that really upset me. I figured that 1% seems so small compared to grand scheme of everything. I felt completely insignificant. But recently I examined this number more closely.
It is true that 1.5% is not alot of the campus, but 1.5% of the entire population would be 120,000,000 (120 million). So 1.5% makes a big difference when dealing with big numbers. Not to mention that there is an Intervarsity student involved in each academic college and program on campus. Not to mention that there is at least 1 student living in each of the on campus residence halls. This means that these students are spread out all over the campus. Lastly, if all 300 students were to congregate in some of the dining areas on campus, it would break fire code. It would certainly be enough to get peoples attention.
So rather than present this statistic in a negative manner, I am proud to say that Intervaristy is helping to renew the campus. So far we have changed 1.5% of our campus. I am eager to see how God will renew the remaining students on campus through the next few years. So I say with great joy in the Lord Christ Jesus, 1.5 down, 98.5 to go!
Monday, November 1, 2010
A challenge
As Told By
11:50 PM
So I was going to write a blog post. But then God put something on my heart.
He told me to go and spend the time I would normally spend writing a blog, in prayer and in scripture. So I did. Then God told me to go and post this, so instead of taking the usual 10 minutes you would spend reading this blog post. Go spend that time in prayer and scripture.
He told me to go and spend the time I would normally spend writing a blog, in prayer and in scripture. So I did. Then God told me to go and post this, so instead of taking the usual 10 minutes you would spend reading this blog post. Go spend that time in prayer and scripture.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Interview with a friend.
As Told By
11:52 PM
This blog post was inspired by my friend Joe.
Joe and I have known each other for a little while. Joe is not a Christian, and we have had many discussions about Christianity. Joe is really intelligent when it comes to religion, politics, sports, and lots more. Because of our very different opinions about faith we have certainly have some conflict in our friendship. But we have stuck it out, and the two of us have a good time hanging out. I was discussing with a friend, if Christian/non-Christian friendships work and are worth pursuing. I said definitely. Joe and I began to discuss some of the positives of our relationship and Joe decided to turn this into a blog post. He gave me permission to log the conversation and post it here. Most of what was said is a direct quote, only minor changes have been made for grammer, spelling, and context. Please check out Joe's blog here to learn some more about him.
The Interview:
(Chris will be in red, and Joe will be in blue)
Joe and I have known each other for a little while. Joe is not a Christian, and we have had many discussions about Christianity. Joe is really intelligent when it comes to religion, politics, sports, and lots more. Because of our very different opinions about faith we have certainly have some conflict in our friendship. But we have stuck it out, and the two of us have a good time hanging out. I was discussing with a friend, if Christian/non-Christian friendships work and are worth pursuing. I said definitely. Joe and I began to discuss some of the positives of our relationship and Joe decided to turn this into a blog post. He gave me permission to log the conversation and post it here. Most of what was said is a direct quote, only minor changes have been made for grammer, spelling, and context. Please check out Joe's blog here to learn some more about him.
The Interview:
(Chris will be in red, and Joe will be in blue)
In your words, how did you and Chris become friends?
Joe: 'Chris and Joe encountered each other at McKay. Joe was with a friend and Chris offered us a ride to IV. They then we found out that we were taking a class with each other in MGT 301.
I didn't talk to Chris a lot in MGT 301 and didn’t even want to ride with Chris to Herbert AZ to fall conference .Anyways I get to fall conference riding with my good friend Daniel Sloan.
Then I get grouped up with Chris’ bible study group, but I had a bad time at fall conference. He checked to see if I was alright and the seed was planted.
Then Chris and I as well as a two others go out to the woods we encounter a nice sky with stars.
From then on we became friends.'
So how has our friendship changed since fall conference?
Joe: 'After fall conference we started to talk more and made an effort to hangout.
Also other Christian friends didn’t have time to hangout or didn't want to.
The experience at fall conference created a great chemistry in what otherwise shouldn't have been a friendship.'
So how have you benefited from being my friend?
Joe: 'I have benefited by learning more about the Christian way which I do have a disagreement with. The close friendship has built a bond of trust which is important. The sense of connection is strong, for instance, I can say the stupidest or do the stupidest thing and I feel like I still would have support at the least. When other friends would point negatives you don’t say ‘Shut up Joe or get over it’'
How am I different from other Christian people you have been friends with in the past?
Joe: 'People I've talked to in the past that were Christian are sensitive, what I mean by that is if you say you like one of their friends they will go and tell them or if you say something politically incorrect they don’t want to hear it. When talking to you, Chris, I don’t feel the need to hide stuff from you. I can just be myself.'
What have you learned from me?
Joe: ' I have learned to watch what I say to people because sometimes it’s not going to benefit me. Also, Forget about the past and focus on the present. Lastly, Be more confident and stop being paranoid.'
What was your first impression of me before you knew me?
Chris: 'Ok, good question
So I remember running into Joe at IV, and class a few times, but I the thing I remember most was the first night of fall conference Joe was in my camp small group and we along with 2 other dudes were meeting in our bunk house. I thought Joe was really cool.
He told me that he wanted to be a sports announcer, and I totally thought he had the voice for it.
I actually assumed that the Joe was a Christian because it was a Christian camp, and he seemed to be just as knowledgeable as the other guys in the group'
What benefits do you see from our friendship?
Chris: 'Well my friendship with Joe has developed a lot throughout this year, but he has taught be a lot.
I benefit as a student, through Joe helping me study, and be accountable to my work.
I benefit as a person, through Joe helping me to be on time, true to my word, and listen carefully.
I benefit as a citizen, through Joe keeping me updated on social and political issues.
Also, I benefit as a Christian, through interesting conversations and prayer'
What are some of the strengths you see in Joe?
Chris: 'The strengths I see in Joe are as follows;
Joe is very passionate about certain things, he everything to things he cares about, like Phillies baseball. Joe is very intelligent, With a GPA of like 3.6 or something, and is able to think of really good points, when we are having conversations. Joe is also really loyal, I can count on him that he will do what he says he will do. Lastly, Joe has shed is fear of a lot of things he isn’t afraid to voice his opinion and takes a stand for what he cares about'
Where do you see our friendship going in the future?
Chris: 'I see our friendship continuing to develop. I foresee that we will continue to be friends, and will support each other through the rest of our college career, and even beyond. It is my great hope that Joe will one day join me in the ranks of Kingdom of Heaven, but I know that we will learn a lot from each other and both be better people because of our friendship either way.'
What have you learned from me?
Chris: 'I have learned that Scripture relates to everyone in some way. For example Joe loves sports analogies in the context of Scripture. I have also learned to be passionate about the things that you care about, and pursue them.'
As you can see from this short interview, we have each learned something from each other. Joe and I are both better people because of each other. I am thankful for this friendship and I am eager to see how it continues to develop.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
As Told By
1:35 AM
Robert: age 18
Robert hardly sleeps anymore. He stays up late to get to the next party or drunken adventure. His 'fun' doesn't start till most people are already sleeping. Every night he drinks more and more, to keep himself satisfied. He tells his friends he is really happy and really enjoys life, but when he is alone he holds back tears. He's not even close to his drinking buddies, he sits at home and listens to some music all the while waiting feeling empty, just waiting for the next night ...
Teresa: age 18
Teresa hasn't slept in days. It was a little less than a week ago that she was raped by her best friend. One thing led to the next and boundaries were passed. She tries to cry herself to sleep, but her emotions prevent her from doing so. She feels dirty, guilty, and ashamed. She lies to herself "it was her fault." She can't erase the scars, but she can't move on either ...
Jacob: age 19
Jacob hasn't been sleeping well. He trusted his roommate with his most personal secret. Jacob struggles with homosexuality. Jacob's roommate was so scared, and defensive at his news. His roommate teased him relentlessly, and Jacob stopped going to his dorm. Not having to many other friends he sleeps in the 24 hour computer lab on the couch if the person working the desk doesn't kick him out ...
Coleen: age 23
Coleen gave up sleeping when she had a baby. Being that she is one of the first in her entire family to even go to college, she tries desperately to make all her ends meet. She tries to balance getting a degree, and raising a child by herself. But she isn't sure how long she can keep the game up. The University keeps taking more and more money from her, and she is only able to afford school because of an inheritance. She wonders every night if shes doing what is best for her son...
Zac: age 20
Zac sleeps 'with one eye open' every night. Zac made some awesome Christian friends and has been trying to experience Christianity for himself. But when his father found this out he became very upset. His father never wanted Zac to spend time with these friends. He tells Zac not to return home, and that if he tries to go to his sisters wedding he will hurt him. Zac cries thinking about the choices he has ahead of him ...
Janette: age 21
Janette tries to sleep often, but never feels rested. She is always exhausted and weak. When she looks in the mirror she is horrified with her body. She doesn't feel perfect, or even pretty. She tells herself that nobody will love her, and that she is so overweight. She forces herself to throw up again, but still doesn't feel any prettier. She is so weak that it seems all she wants to do is sleep now, but she can bring herself to because she is never at peace ...
Dallas: age 18
Dallas decided there is no point in going to sleep your last night on earth. Dallas feels completely disconnected from everything and everyone. Dallas feels homesick, but he tells himself that his parents don't miss him. After he got rejected from Frat he rushed, and the program he applied for, life just didn't make sense. He writes a 'goodbye' letter, and just contemplates if he is 'man enough' to follow through this time ...
Jessica: age 17
Jessica has been pulling all nighters several days in a row. She has a grades to maintain, classes, meetings. She just wants to make her parents so proud. She downs some energy drinks and starts studying. She ignores her feelings begging her to spend some time with friends. Eat a meal at the union. Go on a nature hike. She drowns them out night after night with books and homework. This will make my family proud she thinks ...
Taylor: age 22
Taylor can't sleep tonight, if he does he could die. There is so much drugs and alcohol in his system right now that willingly going unconscious is a terrible plan. Taylor thinks about the friends, the scholarship and all the money he has lost. He hears sirens and wonders if he will end up in jail or the hospital again. He tells himself he needs to turn his life around, but just doesn't know how to...
Lindsay: age 22
Lindsay doesn't like sleeping anymore. She shares a bed with someone she no longer cares for. Her heart is always torn. She never quite knows what to do. She finds herself living in the 'uncomfortable' but tells her self its 'normal'. She wonders if her bed-mate even loves her, he must, that's why they have been together so long....
Chris: age 21
Chris can't sleep tonight either. Most nights he goes to bed feeling loved, comforted, respected, and secure. But tonight is different. 10 people are on his mind. 10 people which he has neglected to invite to know Jesus. 10 people which are awake right now, not feeling loved, comforted, respected, or secure. 10 people which Chris' has kept a pearl of great price hidden from. 10 people who need Jesus now more than ever. Chris begins to pray for these people, and how to introduce them to Jesus, and how he loves them so...
Jesus: age ∞
Jesus never sleeps. Not while people he loves are hurt. Not while they don't know him. Jesus says to these people "I use the weak to lead the strong, I empower the humble, I lift up the weary, I heal the sick, and mend the broken. I set the captives free, I satisfy all who are thirsty. I am coming back soon and that day I will dry every tear. Come and embrace me who has loved you since before time even began, fall into the arms of the One who died for you." Jesus never stops reveling himself to his people.
What to do with these stories:
Sometimes I find myself thinking that sharing the gospel is hard. I get nervous, and uneasy about what to say. But it is clear to me now that sharing the gospel is not something I have to do, but something I want to do. I think of the pain that 10 real people (names have been changed to protect identities) are experiencing. I take the relationship I have with Jesus Christ for granted. I forget how desperate I am for sweet grace. I think back to three long years ago before I knew Jesus. I think of my own pain and hurt, and I know my friends are feeling even worse. So no more will I conceal who Jesus is. No more will I be to scared to invite my friends to know him. No more will worry about what to say. This world won't sleep till everyone knows Jesus, and Jesus won't sleep till everyone knows him.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirits" Matthew (28:19)
Robert hardly sleeps anymore. He stays up late to get to the next party or drunken adventure. His 'fun' doesn't start till most people are already sleeping. Every night he drinks more and more, to keep himself satisfied. He tells his friends he is really happy and really enjoys life, but when he is alone he holds back tears. He's not even close to his drinking buddies, he sits at home and listens to some music all the while waiting feeling empty, just waiting for the next night ...
Teresa: age 18
Teresa hasn't slept in days. It was a little less than a week ago that she was raped by her best friend. One thing led to the next and boundaries were passed. She tries to cry herself to sleep, but her emotions prevent her from doing so. She feels dirty, guilty, and ashamed. She lies to herself "it was her fault." She can't erase the scars, but she can't move on either ...
Jacob: age 19
Jacob hasn't been sleeping well. He trusted his roommate with his most personal secret. Jacob struggles with homosexuality. Jacob's roommate was so scared, and defensive at his news. His roommate teased him relentlessly, and Jacob stopped going to his dorm. Not having to many other friends he sleeps in the 24 hour computer lab on the couch if the person working the desk doesn't kick him out ...
Coleen: age 23
Coleen gave up sleeping when she had a baby. Being that she is one of the first in her entire family to even go to college, she tries desperately to make all her ends meet. She tries to balance getting a degree, and raising a child by herself. But she isn't sure how long she can keep the game up. The University keeps taking more and more money from her, and she is only able to afford school because of an inheritance. She wonders every night if shes doing what is best for her son...
Zac: age 20
Zac sleeps 'with one eye open' every night. Zac made some awesome Christian friends and has been trying to experience Christianity for himself. But when his father found this out he became very upset. His father never wanted Zac to spend time with these friends. He tells Zac not to return home, and that if he tries to go to his sisters wedding he will hurt him. Zac cries thinking about the choices he has ahead of him ...
Janette: age 21
Janette tries to sleep often, but never feels rested. She is always exhausted and weak. When she looks in the mirror she is horrified with her body. She doesn't feel perfect, or even pretty. She tells herself that nobody will love her, and that she is so overweight. She forces herself to throw up again, but still doesn't feel any prettier. She is so weak that it seems all she wants to do is sleep now, but she can bring herself to because she is never at peace ...
Dallas: age 18
Dallas decided there is no point in going to sleep your last night on earth. Dallas feels completely disconnected from everything and everyone. Dallas feels homesick, but he tells himself that his parents don't miss him. After he got rejected from Frat he rushed, and the program he applied for, life just didn't make sense. He writes a 'goodbye' letter, and just contemplates if he is 'man enough' to follow through this time ...
Jessica: age 17
Jessica has been pulling all nighters several days in a row. She has a grades to maintain, classes, meetings. She just wants to make her parents so proud. She downs some energy drinks and starts studying. She ignores her feelings begging her to spend some time with friends. Eat a meal at the union. Go on a nature hike. She drowns them out night after night with books and homework. This will make my family proud she thinks ...
Taylor: age 22
Taylor can't sleep tonight, if he does he could die. There is so much drugs and alcohol in his system right now that willingly going unconscious is a terrible plan. Taylor thinks about the friends, the scholarship and all the money he has lost. He hears sirens and wonders if he will end up in jail or the hospital again. He tells himself he needs to turn his life around, but just doesn't know how to...
Lindsay: age 22
Lindsay doesn't like sleeping anymore. She shares a bed with someone she no longer cares for. Her heart is always torn. She never quite knows what to do. She finds herself living in the 'uncomfortable' but tells her self its 'normal'. She wonders if her bed-mate even loves her, he must, that's why they have been together so long....
Chris: age 21
Chris can't sleep tonight either. Most nights he goes to bed feeling loved, comforted, respected, and secure. But tonight is different. 10 people are on his mind. 10 people which he has neglected to invite to know Jesus. 10 people which are awake right now, not feeling loved, comforted, respected, or secure. 10 people which Chris' has kept a pearl of great price hidden from. 10 people who need Jesus now more than ever. Chris begins to pray for these people, and how to introduce them to Jesus, and how he loves them so...
Jesus: age ∞
Jesus never sleeps. Not while people he loves are hurt. Not while they don't know him. Jesus says to these people "I use the weak to lead the strong, I empower the humble, I lift up the weary, I heal the sick, and mend the broken. I set the captives free, I satisfy all who are thirsty. I am coming back soon and that day I will dry every tear. Come and embrace me who has loved you since before time even began, fall into the arms of the One who died for you." Jesus never stops reveling himself to his people.
What to do with these stories:
Sometimes I find myself thinking that sharing the gospel is hard. I get nervous, and uneasy about what to say. But it is clear to me now that sharing the gospel is not something I have to do, but something I want to do. I think of the pain that 10 real people (names have been changed to protect identities) are experiencing. I take the relationship I have with Jesus Christ for granted. I forget how desperate I am for sweet grace. I think back to three long years ago before I knew Jesus. I think of my own pain and hurt, and I know my friends are feeling even worse. So no more will I conceal who Jesus is. No more will I be to scared to invite my friends to know him. No more will worry about what to say. This world won't sleep till everyone knows Jesus, and Jesus won't sleep till everyone knows him.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirits" Matthew (28:19)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Is it really a waste?
As Told By
12:50 AM
Recently I have got some opposition for my faith. It comes in public realms, as well as in private conversations. After some of these instances it made me sit down and think about what I am doing. Why am I serving a God that I cant see with my eyes? Why did I die to myself to live for another? Why do I say not my will but yours? Is any of this worth it? All of these questions were narrowed to one major question "Am I wasting my life, the only one I get?" After spending hours thinking about it, the answer is simple... No.
I will approach how I came to this answer from several angles. The first is that as a Christian I am a better person. I am a better husband, friend, brother, and son because of my faith. It is obvious when you look at the history of my life. Before I was a Christian, I had many failed relationships with friends. I fought with siblings, and parents all the time. After becoming a Christian I am seeing people through a new lens. I try to love people even amidst their (sometimes long) list of flaws. Don't get me wrong, I still grow impatient with my family and friends, but I still approach how I feel about people much differently. I am today a greater person because of Christ.
Another thing to consider is where I would be if I wasn't a Christian. A friend of my asked me that exact question one time. I responded with "powerful for the kingdom of Hell." If I am honest with you that is where I would be. Before I was a Christian I was longing to do something with my life. To have a sense of purpose, to change the world. I think if presented with the option of changing the world for the worse, I would still be on board. So it is worth it to me to be a Christian just to take myself away from being used for the furtherance of evil.
What about all the things that you can't do? What about all the things that you have had to sacrifice? These are all questions that I have been asked and thought about thoroughly. Needless to say as a Christian there are many things, (especially considering that I am in college) that I have had to sacrifice. But if I am honest, anything that I think through I don't miss. I mean think of Pre-marital sex. All it takes is watching one episode of "Teen Mom" to make me realize that sacrificing having sex before marriage is one of the wisest decisions I ever made. Along the same lines there are things like pornography or being sexually immoral. But if you set aside your feelings about this for a second think about how much pain is associated with pornography or prostitution, even one night stands. The hurt, the regret, the sadness, the shame. Next time you thing about participating in these acts just remember that someday that might be your daughter, or your sister. Our culture may lie to us that these things are 'manly' but I for one feel more like a man every time I say no to these things. Because there is nothing manly about not protecting women. It isn't just sexual acts that are sacrificed. The life of partying, drinking, and drugs are all given up as well. It ought to be easy to understand why I willingly give these things up. Why would I want to do something to my body in which I am inhibited from thinking clearly or acting maturely. We are told we are 'cooler' the more we party or drink, but honestly, I think we just look 'sillier.'
Something that seems to always keep people from following Jesus is the 'rulebook.' There seems to be this widespread lie that being a Christian is all about following rules, being controlled. A real 'obey or die' sort of illusion. If The bible tells us that there is not even condemnation for [breaking the rules] when you are saved by Jesus. Never in my life when I have sinned, have I had to sit down with a pastor or religious leader and be lectured about what a bad person I am. I don't live my life thinking to myself daily about all the rules I must follow. Yes I do sin, I do screw up, and each time I hand these things to Jesus, and say, "thank you for becoming this thing. Thank you for saving me, thank you for bearing my burden." Being a Christian isn't about following the law and being controlled but some authority. Its honestly only about this crazy, insane, love relationship between me and Jesus, and me following this awesome person anywhere he leads me.
The last argument specifically goes out to anyone that is walking this narrow path with me. Any one that is part of this great family of Christ, please read these next few sentences thoroughly. Let me start by saying that my life isn't boring. It is certainly packed with more stuff, but it is Fun, it is Exciting, it is Awesome. My life has been so much better ever since I became a Christian. My life feels like it has purpose. I am not just trying to stockpile as much money as possible, or become as powerful as possible. I am trying to share my treasure with as many people as possible. Every day that someone I know comes closer to knowing Jesus one of the most exciting moments of my life. Sure being a Christian can be overwhelming sometimes. There is still pain, hurt, suffering, and burn out. But it's worth it. It's worth it just to be 'alive.' Just to taste what changing the world feels like. Just to know that I am living daily for one who creates galaxies! It is awesome.
So the answer is that it is not a waste. If I wasn't a Christian I would bored, distracted, annoying, empty, lost, frustrated, confused, angry, hurtful, and spent or wasted. However as a Christian I am; renewed, healed, excited, loving, happy, encouraged, and Alive!
So the long and short of it is that following Jesus is great. It is very hard sometimes, and this path is cleverly called the narrow one. But it is so worth it. It is so great. It is not a waste, and I am sure that 100 out of 100 times if I were to relive my life I would choose to change the world. I would choose to live life to the fullest! I would choose to follow Jesus! I know you would too!
I will approach how I came to this answer from several angles. The first is that as a Christian I am a better person. I am a better husband, friend, brother, and son because of my faith. It is obvious when you look at the history of my life. Before I was a Christian, I had many failed relationships with friends. I fought with siblings, and parents all the time. After becoming a Christian I am seeing people through a new lens. I try to love people even amidst their (sometimes long) list of flaws. Don't get me wrong, I still grow impatient with my family and friends, but I still approach how I feel about people much differently. I am today a greater person because of Christ.
Another thing to consider is where I would be if I wasn't a Christian. A friend of my asked me that exact question one time. I responded with "powerful for the kingdom of Hell." If I am honest with you that is where I would be. Before I was a Christian I was longing to do something with my life. To have a sense of purpose, to change the world. I think if presented with the option of changing the world for the worse, I would still be on board. So it is worth it to me to be a Christian just to take myself away from being used for the furtherance of evil.
What about all the things that you can't do? What about all the things that you have had to sacrifice? These are all questions that I have been asked and thought about thoroughly. Needless to say as a Christian there are many things, (especially considering that I am in college) that I have had to sacrifice. But if I am honest, anything that I think through I don't miss. I mean think of Pre-marital sex. All it takes is watching one episode of "Teen Mom" to make me realize that sacrificing having sex before marriage is one of the wisest decisions I ever made. Along the same lines there are things like pornography or being sexually immoral. But if you set aside your feelings about this for a second think about how much pain is associated with pornography or prostitution, even one night stands. The hurt, the regret, the sadness, the shame. Next time you thing about participating in these acts just remember that someday that might be your daughter, or your sister. Our culture may lie to us that these things are 'manly' but I for one feel more like a man every time I say no to these things. Because there is nothing manly about not protecting women. It isn't just sexual acts that are sacrificed. The life of partying, drinking, and drugs are all given up as well. It ought to be easy to understand why I willingly give these things up. Why would I want to do something to my body in which I am inhibited from thinking clearly or acting maturely. We are told we are 'cooler' the more we party or drink, but honestly, I think we just look 'sillier.'
Something that seems to always keep people from following Jesus is the 'rulebook.' There seems to be this widespread lie that being a Christian is all about following rules, being controlled. A real 'obey or die' sort of illusion. If The bible tells us that there is not even condemnation for [breaking the rules] when you are saved by Jesus. Never in my life when I have sinned, have I had to sit down with a pastor or religious leader and be lectured about what a bad person I am. I don't live my life thinking to myself daily about all the rules I must follow. Yes I do sin, I do screw up, and each time I hand these things to Jesus, and say, "thank you for becoming this thing. Thank you for saving me, thank you for bearing my burden." Being a Christian isn't about following the law and being controlled but some authority. Its honestly only about this crazy, insane, love relationship between me and Jesus, and me following this awesome person anywhere he leads me.
The last argument specifically goes out to anyone that is walking this narrow path with me. Any one that is part of this great family of Christ, please read these next few sentences thoroughly. Let me start by saying that my life isn't boring. It is certainly packed with more stuff, but it is Fun, it is Exciting, it is Awesome. My life has been so much better ever since I became a Christian. My life feels like it has purpose. I am not just trying to stockpile as much money as possible, or become as powerful as possible. I am trying to share my treasure with as many people as possible. Every day that someone I know comes closer to knowing Jesus one of the most exciting moments of my life. Sure being a Christian can be overwhelming sometimes. There is still pain, hurt, suffering, and burn out. But it's worth it. It's worth it just to be 'alive.' Just to taste what changing the world feels like. Just to know that I am living daily for one who creates galaxies! It is awesome.
So the answer is that it is not a waste. If I wasn't a Christian I would bored, distracted, annoying, empty, lost, frustrated, confused, angry, hurtful, and spent or wasted. However as a Christian I am; renewed, healed, excited, loving, happy, encouraged, and Alive!
So the long and short of it is that following Jesus is great. It is very hard sometimes, and this path is cleverly called the narrow one. But it is so worth it. It is so great. It is not a waste, and I am sure that 100 out of 100 times if I were to relive my life I would choose to change the world. I would choose to live life to the fullest! I would choose to follow Jesus! I know you would too!
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