The mission statement for campus ministry that I am involved with goes something like this; "[Intervarsity's Mission is to] Transform the lives of students and faculty, Renew the campus, and Change the world for and through Jesus Christ. This three part blog post will be dedicated to how myself, as well as Intervarsity is doing these things.
I guess we will start from the top. Transform. It seems hard for me to believe, but it was just 3 years ago that I became a Christian. It was in my Residence Hall game room. My testimony is a clear example of how Intervarsity is transforming students. I was even 'interviewed' to share my experiences with other members of the organization to help them transform other students that are in a similar situation to myself when I was a freshman. It has been this year more than ever that I am seeing true transformation take place.
Last year there were several people that I influenced. It is this year that I have seen their life truly take flight. They have a transformed mindset and an transformed live style. It is so encouraging to see how these people have matured, and how they are influencing others now.
The excitement of the growth from students from last year doesn't compare to the excitement I have for some students for this year. In the first few weeks of school I have challenged two students to give their entire lives to Jesus. I have told these students, that nothing short of 'dying' to yourself will be enough. Both of these students received this well, and are transforming how they act, and treat people to be more missional, and to be a better light to their friends and family.
I also am helping to transform a students life that 'believes' in God, but isn't sure if living for Jesus is worth it. I am excited to see how this student will transform over the year. The risks that this student is taking, and the honesty is encouraging on so many levels. I am already seeing this students view of Jesus, God, and even the Church change. This student is starting to see things from a different view, and moving back towards the path of giving their life whole heartily to Jesus.
The last student that I want to mention is not a Christian. I have had many talks with this student and their perspectives are so awesome. I am already seeing this student transform the way that they think, live, and act. I am committed to meeting with this student on a regular basis all year to 'walk' along side Jesus, and to see what it is that He is offering. This student is being changed in great ways and I can't wait to see what becomes of it.
Students on Campus are being transformed all over campus. We are being changed in Word, Deed, and Prayer. We are a generation that is moving away from being dull, boring, and stagnant to one that is passionate, alive, and world changing. These students are living testimonies of Gods power, and love. They also speak for the transforming power that the body of Christ has, when used well. Intervarsity wisely choose the word transform to explain what it is that we are trying to accomplish in students lives. And if I am honest, through Jesus Christ, we are doing just that.
Read more about Intervarsity Christian Fellowship!
Meet the Chapter at Northern Arizona University!
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