Dear Class of 2010,
Congratulations for making it through school. You have made choices effecting your own life, but many others as well. I'm sure its fearful to become a "freshman" of real life, but I encourage to accept this task with a smile on your face. While one chapter in your life is drawing to a close many, many others are about to open. I want to express how proud I am of you for showing to me that people actually survive college, and I'm eager to learn more from you as I join you next year, in the real world.
You have most likely changed a lot during your time in college, and I want to challenge you to continue to do so. Please keep following Jesus, and growing in him always. It's easy to feel the pressures of conforming to standard society, but I want to encourage you to conform only to Jesus, and being more like him. Remember that you are unique and special and that no matter how much the 'world' asks you to change, you were created, with a purpose no less, by the architect of eternity. If your 'degree' doesn't make it easier to find a job, or if your are totally unsure what you will even do, remember that you are a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven first, and that your life was cleverly orchestrated by the creator of the universe.
Listen carefully to God and follow his will. Embrace whatever commission you are given by him. Live life to the fullest, and embrace God's abundance. As large decisions come your way, like who to marry, when to start a family, where to work etc. Please keep God's purpose for you in your mind and live for Him first.
Go and be a light to the world. Continue on with a missional lifestyle. Never settle for anything less than giving one hundred percent to God. Establish or find good community. Strive for true biblical living, and don't be afraid to improve the existing ways of those that have gone before you. Rise up in the church and help to bring redemption to the brokenness, that the body is facing.
Remember now that even though classes are over, relationships are not. Still be praying for, and investing in the people you were as a student. Even if your life operates comfortably in terms of school semesters, the Kingdom of Heaven doesn't. Be an influence to these people, and don't forget about the relationships that you made during your time as a student.
Wherever you are heading now, whether it be a new city, new state, or even a new country, look back and see the architecture of why you were here. Praise God for the things your learned and taught to others. Remember these years as a student, but don't forget to look forward to where your going. It's been said that college is the best years of your life, and even though I can't speak from first hand experience, even greater things are still to come.
Congratulations, and enjoy your upcoming graduation ceremony. May God bless you and your household.
Your brother in the Lord, Christ Jesus,
Christopher S. Huston
Thank you Chris, That means a lot to me. :) I will be keeping in touch with you. God Bless you, and may we meet again soon. Love In Christ.