Paul the apostle, mentioned at one point that if the resurrection didn't happen our faith is basically meaningless. How right he was. Today is Resurrection Sunday. Notice that I didn't say Easter. This might just be me, but when I say Easter, candy, bunnies, chicks, and spring colors come to mind. But when I say Resurrection Sunday, I think Jesus. I think what it must have been like to die and to rise. When Jesus came back to life into his body, I wonder what that experience felt like. One door closed in death, and now one big huge door opened in his resurrection. I wonder if he was thirsty or hungry...
Anyway, the fact is that this "holiday" is one of my least favorite, and yet today is one of my favorite days. Easter is my least favorite "holiday" because of what it involves. Egg hunts, candy (which most people don't eat and then give away to someone else at Halloween), bunnies. It was all just stuff I never really bought into. In fact its a holiday that I forget about. It will be like a week or two before and Ill be like, "wait Easter is on Sunday" and I'm not alone.
Why is today so important then? Because just like Paul said, if we don't believe in this, our faith means nothing. I mean if Jesus never really died, and this all was just a joke. He was just asleep or something, then we are not sharing in his death. And when Jesus bids me to come and die, I say no. Why would I taste this sting of death, even if its not a physical death if Jesus didn't go before me? Or if Jesus did die, but didn't rise, same issue. Then I may accept sharing in death, but with no hope of ever sharing in life. But the fact remains, that Jesus, died. He was dead, he breathed his last breath, and was placed in a above ground tomb. His spirit left his body and it lay limp wrapped in cloths soaked in spices. In literally the greatest miracle in the world, he rose. He proved to all who were watching that he is divine. Fully human, and yet, fully God. Able to rise, still with wounds and blood on his body, air filled his lungs again! Can I get an Amen!?!
Jesus opened his eyes, he had now conquered death. He was so full of love, compassion, and holiness that he finished his work and met with disciples before his ascension. I mean, if I were Jesus, I would want to just start killing or mocking the people who hurt me or those who didn't believe. I would want to laugh at the Pharisees. But Jesus is a good King, and I am not.
Jesus, our King, died and Jesus our King, rose. He did this for you! He did this for his people, he did this to let us settle our debts with a completely righteous God. So today, let us remember this. Let us remember what it took for us to live. Let us remember what power our King truly has the he conquers even death. Let us, instead of having an Easter Holiday, let us celebrate Resurrection Sunday. Let us celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, with a very alive and kickin Jesus. Let us thank him for going before us, and leading us on after. Let us ask Jesus, "Jesus, let me share in your death on a cross, that I may share in your life via a resurrection!"
*PS* This is a link to a blog that I subscribe to. Its excellent and I highly recomend reading and subscribing. Please check out this link about her and her friends thoughts on Easter. They hit the nail on the head!
Alidia and Emily Discuss Easter
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