Sunday, July 18, 2010

Give to Caesar

Now I realize that this post is very late. But I wanted to post it at some point, and now felt like a good time.

So a few weeks ago was the 4th of July. The independence day of the United States of America. Now my relationship with my country has been a bumpy ride. I had some pretty conservative world views. I was pretty outspoken about my political views. But there was a point when I was in a debate with someone regarding open borders to Mexico. I felt like I was 'winning' the debate, but it was all the sudden when I realized that my words carried so much hate. I felt sick to my stomach. I could feel God's heart breaking with disappointment, as I am committed to preaching and extending Gods abundant Love. But my words were nothing but hate. I realized that it was due to some of my political views that I was erecting a barrier of hate from Gods people. People that if you read my last post, God loves as much, if not even more than me. I decided that it would be better to take some time away from politics. I wanted to spend more time learning how to effectively love people, and to stay away from political debates until I was able to do it maturely, and I felt that God would be pleased with my words.

I stayed away from chasing the political games for a while. I spent more time with God and through the help of some other close friends, I learned how to serve a King and not a country. Now I can blog about this another time, but a King is nothing like a president. Which is the only sort of political figurehead I have ever been a citizen.  So it was quite a learning process discovering how to serve a King, and be a citizen in the Kingdom of Heaven.

As I was learning what this all means, I got very wrapped up in it. I began to despise not only our government but all government. I began to crave serving a just King. I got wrapped up and began to hate people again, this time it was political figures. I decided that all politicians, and lobbyists were corrupt jerks that couldn't be trusted. Even if I wasn't as outspoken with my hate, it still existed in my heart. It was then when I was reading my Bible. Jesus was questioned about paying taxes to Caesar. Jesus begins to talk about giving to Caesar what belongs to him, but do not give to Caesar what doesn't belong to him.

Now it might be worthwhile to note that the early church was under the ultimate reign of Caesar. Roman citizens would even profess that Caesar was 'lord.' Early Christians were persecuted and even killed for not making this claim. This point and Jesus teaching about government got me thinking about what responsibilities I have to my government and my country.I know that the Bible commands me to obey the laws of the land assuming they don't conflict with God's Law. I felt that Jesus was talking right to me. Give to your Country what is theirs, but do not give them what isn't theirs.

As I was wrestling with this, some of my friends traveled to China. A nation where the public professing of faith is not allowed. Churches have to be registered with the government and have regulations for what can be taught. There are limits imposed on things like Bible sales, and where Christians can gather. It was during this time when sending emails to my friends had to be coded to prevent suspicion, that I realized how truly good we have it here in America. For everything that this nation does wrong, there is alot more that this nation does right, regardless of your political position.

So this 4th of July had a new meaning for me this year. I really thanked God for living in a place where I can openly share the Gospel with my campus mates. Even now as I am typing this and going to post it in a public forum I am not afraid of censorship, or of being imprisoned for this post. I was actually very thankful to be a citizen of the United States, even if I am ultimately a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. Just like the young Roman church I can ultimately serve one who is greater, while still paying my taxes to Caesar.

So I'm here to leave you with a challenge. Do not waste this opportunity that you have been blessed with. Since we live a Christian tolerant nation, go and openly profess that Jesus is Lord. Go and share the Gospel with friends, classmates, and neighbors. Go and learn what it means to pay taxes to Caesar while serving a King.

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