Monday, June 21, 2010

Jesus is Love

Ok so I realize that my title isn't very catchy, its somewhat cliche' and something that I'm sure Christian or not you have heard. In the last few weeks I have had several conversations about this topic. I decided to elaborate on two separate sets of three little words.

The first is 'I Love You'. I had a bit of a emotional problem a few days ago. I decided to try and logically think through the concept of Love. Now I know that we are suppose to love. I know that God designed us to love each other, even love our enemies. But why, was the question floating around my brain. So lets think about what 'love' really means. First off, you don't love chocolate. Love is sacrificial. It's placing the needs of others above your own. It's unconditional whether someone is deserving of it or not. It's giving someone power over you and your well being. It's giving everything with no expectation of reward.

So all that being said, love makes no sense, none! (At least according to the standards of this world) This world tells us that it's all about us. That we don't need to sacrifice anything. That we don't need to do anything in less there is a promise of return. That we can pick and choose who we give love to. Not to mention when and where. Unfortunately this means that I feel I am confident and correct in saying that without God humans are not capable of loving anyone.

The kicker there was 'without God'. Whether you accept Jesus, or believe in God or not, you are not without God. He designed and loves everyone unconditionally. Elements of his personality are embedded in your life. Meaning that anyone can love. In fact it is through love that we connect with Gods heart. If we can learn how to love, we can learn more about ourselves, and what other characteristics God instilled in us, specifically ones that we share with Him.

This brings us to the next block of three words. 'Jesus is Love' There is no more true statement ever. The Gospel is certainly a Love story. Jesus is the embodiment of love. It is through his example that we can truly love others. It is only once we come to a decent place of understanding of Jesus, and the cross that we can even begin to try and love others. This is why the cross is so crucial to Christian faith. Jesus, and the cross is so much more than salvation. (This blog post coming soon :-p ) But the fact is that one of the most important things about the cross is the example it sets for love.

So love isn't logical. People don't deserve it. It isn't fair. It does require something of us. But think about the ultimate example of love. A sinless man, bearing the penalty for all sin is certainly the most unfair thing I can think of. Doing it for people that are literally his enemies, and don't deserve it. Doing it for people regardless of circumstance. Sacrificing everything, for people that may never even accept it. Jesus, truly is love.

A friend of mine told me that 'love isn't always easy, but it is always worth it.' She is absolutely correct. When we truly love people, it is worth it.We get to experience the way that God designed us. We get to establish something that will outlast even our physical body, and we get to experience what the King of Kings felt.  Not to mention, think of the smile it brings to our Fathers face when his children are getting along nicely.

So lets throw out the 'worlds' guidebook when it comes to love. Lets throw out the wishy-washy 'love' that ultimately ends often in heartbreak and disaster. Lets call upon the name of Jesus Christ in prayer. Lets says Jesus, You are love. We want to know you first before we ever try to love. We accept our orders to love others and even love enemies. Let us be consumed be you and the cross  to understand how to even love. Let us establish a relationship with Love so that we can truly love others. Let our love for them be the love that is overflowing from the love that you pour into me. Let us be willing to be sacrificial and take a risk with a broken people. Thank you for setting the eternal example, and defining truly what love is.Jesus we love you.

You might be surprised how easy it is to sacrifice your life, and die to yourself after having offered this prayer in faith. You also might be surprised with how God will bless you with love abundantly that you can share with others.

Consider reading this blog post. To get some more wisdom about true love.

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