Monday, June 21, 2010

Jesus is Love

Ok so I realize that my title isn't very catchy, its somewhat cliche' and something that I'm sure Christian or not you have heard. In the last few weeks I have had several conversations about this topic. I decided to elaborate on two separate sets of three little words.

The first is 'I Love You'. I had a bit of a emotional problem a few days ago. I decided to try and logically think through the concept of Love. Now I know that we are suppose to love. I know that God designed us to love each other, even love our enemies. But why, was the question floating around my brain. So lets think about what 'love' really means. First off, you don't love chocolate. Love is sacrificial. It's placing the needs of others above your own. It's unconditional whether someone is deserving of it or not. It's giving someone power over you and your well being. It's giving everything with no expectation of reward.

So all that being said, love makes no sense, none! (At least according to the standards of this world) This world tells us that it's all about us. That we don't need to sacrifice anything. That we don't need to do anything in less there is a promise of return. That we can pick and choose who we give love to. Not to mention when and where. Unfortunately this means that I feel I am confident and correct in saying that without God humans are not capable of loving anyone.

The kicker there was 'without God'. Whether you accept Jesus, or believe in God or not, you are not without God. He designed and loves everyone unconditionally. Elements of his personality are embedded in your life. Meaning that anyone can love. In fact it is through love that we connect with Gods heart. If we can learn how to love, we can learn more about ourselves, and what other characteristics God instilled in us, specifically ones that we share with Him.

This brings us to the next block of three words. 'Jesus is Love' There is no more true statement ever. The Gospel is certainly a Love story. Jesus is the embodiment of love. It is through his example that we can truly love others. It is only once we come to a decent place of understanding of Jesus, and the cross that we can even begin to try and love others. This is why the cross is so crucial to Christian faith. Jesus, and the cross is so much more than salvation. (This blog post coming soon :-p ) But the fact is that one of the most important things about the cross is the example it sets for love.

So love isn't logical. People don't deserve it. It isn't fair. It does require something of us. But think about the ultimate example of love. A sinless man, bearing the penalty for all sin is certainly the most unfair thing I can think of. Doing it for people that are literally his enemies, and don't deserve it. Doing it for people regardless of circumstance. Sacrificing everything, for people that may never even accept it. Jesus, truly is love.

A friend of mine told me that 'love isn't always easy, but it is always worth it.' She is absolutely correct. When we truly love people, it is worth it.We get to experience the way that God designed us. We get to establish something that will outlast even our physical body, and we get to experience what the King of Kings felt.  Not to mention, think of the smile it brings to our Fathers face when his children are getting along nicely.

So lets throw out the 'worlds' guidebook when it comes to love. Lets throw out the wishy-washy 'love' that ultimately ends often in heartbreak and disaster. Lets call upon the name of Jesus Christ in prayer. Lets says Jesus, You are love. We want to know you first before we ever try to love. We accept our orders to love others and even love enemies. Let us be consumed be you and the cross  to understand how to even love. Let us establish a relationship with Love so that we can truly love others. Let our love for them be the love that is overflowing from the love that you pour into me. Let us be willing to be sacrificial and take a risk with a broken people. Thank you for setting the eternal example, and defining truly what love is.Jesus we love you.

You might be surprised how easy it is to sacrifice your life, and die to yourself after having offered this prayer in faith. You also might be surprised with how God will bless you with love abundantly that you can share with others.

Consider reading this blog post. To get some more wisdom about true love.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Do

A friend of mine asked me, 'how have the first 6 months of married life been.' I responded with a few great stories involving; toothpaste, drawer space, and Elise pulling an awesome prank and scaring me really bad. All in all marriage has felt very natural, and as it should. Men and women are designed to be together. A woman will desire her husband, and a husband will Love his wife. A union between a man and a woman is the way things were designed by God to be. These stories of love, respect, and faithfulness got me thinking about my wedding.

I got married only six months ago, so many of the details are fresh in my head. I was thinking about how beautiful my bride looked. Someone told me that the 'wedding day is all about the Bride.' The groom should go out of his way, to ensure that the entire day is satisfying to the bride. I remember the joy, the fellowship, the love of that day. They talk about getting jitters before your wedding, but I guess I was lucky enough to miss that.

When I was St. Louis, Gerry taught us about the word Shalom. (A word with I honestly thought was some sort of Jewish greeting or something) Shalom can be described as 'the way things ought to be' or the 'the way things were intended to be.' This is an assumption of perfection, the sort of perfection as designed by God. The sort of thing, were everything feels completely right. Where no one thing is out of place.

I was glad Gerry taught me about the meaning of this word, and the feelings associated with it. Because when I think about my first kiss with my new wife,  Shalom is the only word/emotion that comes to mind. Here I was joining into an eternal union with a great woman God has blessed me with much like Adam was blessed with Eve. Now Elise wasn't created from my rib, but I certainly would have offered one for her! In that moment, when my pastor said "you may kiss your bride," I felt shalom. Everything was as it ought to be. That moment was so special and so unique.

My wedding was certainly awesome for Elise and I, but it was a great time for our guests too. Elise and I got to attend two weddings so far this year as guests, and with two more on the way also. At the last wedding things were running a little late. The groom was patiently waiting for his bride to finish preparing herself. The father of the bride was also patiently preparing everything to be perfect for his child. The wait was well worth it. The bride was beautiful, and everything about the wedding was awesome. Everyone had a great time, and the night was special to so many people.

It made me think about the amazing wedding that is planned for us. We are the bride of Christ. Our groom Jesus, is very patiently waiting for us to be perfect. For us to be beautiful and eye pleasing. He is sacrificially waiting for us, because as I was told at my wedding, "The wedding is all about the bride." Our Father, is busy making everything perfect for this great day of love, and joy. Just anticipating this amazing epic wedding ceremony just returns that feeling of shalom. A eternal union formed between Jesus and his bride. The way things out to be. I for one simply cannot wait!

On a special side note shout-out:

Congratulations to these couples for entering into a union already this year:
Kaitlyn and AJ Russell
Wesley and Brittany Hall

Congratulations to these couples who will be entering into this amazing union shortly:
Jenny Charvoz and Dustin Mast
Crystal Faust and Theo Davis

And a Special Congratulations to Steven and Jessica Grahmann who have been married for 10 years!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Psalm 151

Today in church our pastor Mark Smith stood up to talk. Last week we started the book of Jonah. We did Jonah 1.1 so I was expecting the board to say Jonah 2.1 but instead it said psalm 151. I was confused at first because there is only 150 psalms in the book of psalms. I assumed that it was a typo since I figured we were doing Jonah again. The Pastor began talking about how Jonah 2.1 is the prayer of Jonah. It was written in an interesting format and Pastor Mark called this prayer/song psalm 151. He told us to write our own psalm 151. Which I decided to do here.

There is some quick background to help this all make sense. Jonah is a character who disobeys God per se. He is commanded by God to do something which he says that he will do but then decides not to. Jonahs prayer is full of thanksgiving for more chances, full of apology, and full of praise to a God who's will is done no matter what.

Recently I have been feeling a little like Jonah. A while ago God asked me to do something. At first I said "yeah God you're right, I'll do this." I said I will but then decided not to. I realized that this thing He was asking me to do was going to be awkward, or difficult. So I postponed this as long as possible. Even in my dreams, and prayers God reminded me that I was being disobedient in not doing what he asked. So finally he broke me down, and I did it. It turned out that it wasn't even awkward or difficult at all. It feels like a huge weight has been removed, and my mood has greatly improved. God brought the storm to be, but like Jonah brought be to dry land safely. So in response to this situation I offer up my psalm 151.


God from the depths of my heart I cry out to you,
For you have and will always know what is best for me, 
But I ignore you will and your plans, 
I choose my own plans, or even the plans of my enemies. 

But God you are truly patient, 
And you wait for me even in my disobedience,
You hold my hand, you light my path, 
You extend grace to me through my ignorance.

You deliver me into the storm, 
But you bring me out unscathed, 
You deserve the glory for my success, 
And yet you share the burden of failure.

God you take all of me even against my will, 
For it is by your will that you act,
And your will takes my heart and seals it, 
You consume my soul, and pour your love over me. 

So it is from the deepest depths of my heart I cry to you, 
I am thankful for you and your perfect plans, 
And how you love and lead all your people,
God I surrender to you and your will now and forever. 


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

You take the Red Pill...

Here is a video link to the scene from The Matrix where they discuss the blue pill vs the red pill. This is purely to give you some context. If you havent seen the movie this might not make any sense.

Red Pill vs Blue Pill

The first Intervarsity I ever attended was my freshman year. The speaker was Steven Grahmann. He was talking about how non-Christians perceive Christians. He said many people will ask 'What do Christians do for fun? Play the organ? Read a Hymnal?' It was funny and even 4 years later I'm still talking about this little joke. But the reality of it is that it is so true. Many non-Christians don't understand Christians. It can easily make you the center of a joke, or a debate. Some people when the find out I'm a Christian just cant wait to pick apart everything I believe in and disprove it with 'science' and 'fact'. Some people tease me about my 'wasted life'. Some people are tolerant, but distance themselves from me unknowingly.

The fact is sometimes being a Christian is really hard. Not only is being a Christian hard, but being a Christian that's passionate about changing the world can be even harder. At Chapter Camp this year Steven Grahmann spoke again about being 'world changers'. I missed these talks as I was on my honeymoon, and at a friends wedding, but I heard all about them, and was able to pick out some of the wisdom that seemed to be pouring out of these talks.

Steven talked about some 'walls' or barriers that you might hit if you want to be a world changer. Feeling alone, Feeling helpless, Feeling temped to go  back to your old life. I could pretty much relate either now or at some point with all of em. It made me think for a second. Why... why is being a Christian so hard.

I got to talking with a friend about some of these walls. Especially the last one. Being tempted to "go back". To just forget this life, return to your old life, for you were better off. I have seen this happen to people. We brought up that character of Cypher from the Matrix. Cypher, had been set free the Matrix. He knew the truth, he knew what was real and what wasn't. But he couldn't do it. Even though he was 'free' he felt more imprisoned than ever. "Why oh Why didn't I take the Blue Pill?" Cypher says at one point, the blue pill meaning passing everything by, and living comfortably in the dark.Cypher wanted to go back. He got tempted with what his old life was like. The pleasures of being ignorant and blind. When it came time to make a choice to either be fully committed to the truth or the Matrix, Cypher chooses the Matrix.

The fact is that there are Christians that relate to Cypher right now. Some people have decided that being a Christian is too hard or they believe in the salvation part, but don't want to get their hands dirty and change the world. I can't let that happen to me. Some people are comfortable living a passive Christian life style. But I strongly believe that we are a generation of world changers. Christians from our generation are total Red Pill People. We aren't ok with 'going back', we aren't ok with living in the dark. We are about changing the world. We are about establishing the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth one stone at a time. As my friend put it "We have tasted the fruit of the Promised Land and we can never go back." Referring to some Old Testament scriptures, about the Isrealites, and the desert etc.

So when the temptation of 'going back' comes up. When your friends tease you about wasting your life. When you ask yourself why you didn't take the blue pill. Just remember that we are a generation of world changers. Remember that as a living sacrifice your giving everything up. But remember that what you are gaining is everything. So just like the characters in the Matrix, lets push our faith to the limits. Lets be excited about our potential. Lets rise up together, and see what we can accomplish when we push this life to the limits. Lets say no to the passive Christian lifestyle. Rather than say we were better off, let us say we are ready, and we will be better off in the day the Lord returns.

Pray for our Missionaries

Right now several of my close friends, are all the way around the world. They are in Xian China. They are there to share the gospel with Chinese college students. This missionaries, are from Intervarsity, they willing dedicated several weeks of their summer, not to mention lots of other time preparing, raising funds, praying etc. These students are taking a risk as they cannot openly share the Gospel with these Chinese students. I am very proud of everyone who went on this trip.

You can check this blog here. This blog belongs to Brian Sun. A good friend of mine who is currently in China. You can get some updates from his trip at his blog. 

Please Consider praying for these missionaries, as well as the Chinese Students.


It is only in you that we find comfort and safety. We pray together now for your comfort and safety to pour over our brothers and sisters that are sharing the good news of the resurrection of Jesus. Please pour out the Spirit onto these students so that they will be sharing your words with their Chinese partners. Please open the hearts and remove distractions of these Chinese students. Please let these words of grace, and love penetrate deep into their hearts. All for your glory and kingdom we pray Lord.
