Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Do

A friend of mine asked me, 'how have the first 6 months of married life been.' I responded with a few great stories involving; toothpaste, drawer space, and Elise pulling an awesome prank and scaring me really bad. All in all marriage has felt very natural, and as it should. Men and women are designed to be together. A woman will desire her husband, and a husband will Love his wife. A union between a man and a woman is the way things were designed by God to be. These stories of love, respect, and faithfulness got me thinking about my wedding.

I got married only six months ago, so many of the details are fresh in my head. I was thinking about how beautiful my bride looked. Someone told me that the 'wedding day is all about the Bride.' The groom should go out of his way, to ensure that the entire day is satisfying to the bride. I remember the joy, the fellowship, the love of that day. They talk about getting jitters before your wedding, but I guess I was lucky enough to miss that.

When I was St. Louis, Gerry taught us about the word Shalom. (A word with I honestly thought was some sort of Jewish greeting or something) Shalom can be described as 'the way things ought to be' or the 'the way things were intended to be.' This is an assumption of perfection, the sort of perfection as designed by God. The sort of thing, were everything feels completely right. Where no one thing is out of place.

I was glad Gerry taught me about the meaning of this word, and the feelings associated with it. Because when I think about my first kiss with my new wife,  Shalom is the only word/emotion that comes to mind. Here I was joining into an eternal union with a great woman God has blessed me with much like Adam was blessed with Eve. Now Elise wasn't created from my rib, but I certainly would have offered one for her! In that moment, when my pastor said "you may kiss your bride," I felt shalom. Everything was as it ought to be. That moment was so special and so unique.

My wedding was certainly awesome for Elise and I, but it was a great time for our guests too. Elise and I got to attend two weddings so far this year as guests, and with two more on the way also. At the last wedding things were running a little late. The groom was patiently waiting for his bride to finish preparing herself. The father of the bride was also patiently preparing everything to be perfect for his child. The wait was well worth it. The bride was beautiful, and everything about the wedding was awesome. Everyone had a great time, and the night was special to so many people.

It made me think about the amazing wedding that is planned for us. We are the bride of Christ. Our groom Jesus, is very patiently waiting for us to be perfect. For us to be beautiful and eye pleasing. He is sacrificially waiting for us, because as I was told at my wedding, "The wedding is all about the bride." Our Father, is busy making everything perfect for this great day of love, and joy. Just anticipating this amazing epic wedding ceremony just returns that feeling of shalom. A eternal union formed between Jesus and his bride. The way things out to be. I for one simply cannot wait!

On a special side note shout-out:

Congratulations to these couples for entering into a union already this year:
Kaitlyn and AJ Russell
Wesley and Brittany Hall

Congratulations to these couples who will be entering into this amazing union shortly:
Jenny Charvoz and Dustin Mast
Crystal Faust and Theo Davis

And a Special Congratulations to Steven and Jessica Grahmann who have been married for 10 years!

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