Sunday, June 6, 2010

Psalm 151

Today in church our pastor Mark Smith stood up to talk. Last week we started the book of Jonah. We did Jonah 1.1 so I was expecting the board to say Jonah 2.1 but instead it said psalm 151. I was confused at first because there is only 150 psalms in the book of psalms. I assumed that it was a typo since I figured we were doing Jonah again. The Pastor began talking about how Jonah 2.1 is the prayer of Jonah. It was written in an interesting format and Pastor Mark called this prayer/song psalm 151. He told us to write our own psalm 151. Which I decided to do here.

There is some quick background to help this all make sense. Jonah is a character who disobeys God per se. He is commanded by God to do something which he says that he will do but then decides not to. Jonahs prayer is full of thanksgiving for more chances, full of apology, and full of praise to a God who's will is done no matter what.

Recently I have been feeling a little like Jonah. A while ago God asked me to do something. At first I said "yeah God you're right, I'll do this." I said I will but then decided not to. I realized that this thing He was asking me to do was going to be awkward, or difficult. So I postponed this as long as possible. Even in my dreams, and prayers God reminded me that I was being disobedient in not doing what he asked. So finally he broke me down, and I did it. It turned out that it wasn't even awkward or difficult at all. It feels like a huge weight has been removed, and my mood has greatly improved. God brought the storm to be, but like Jonah brought be to dry land safely. So in response to this situation I offer up my psalm 151.


God from the depths of my heart I cry out to you,
For you have and will always know what is best for me, 
But I ignore you will and your plans, 
I choose my own plans, or even the plans of my enemies. 

But God you are truly patient, 
And you wait for me even in my disobedience,
You hold my hand, you light my path, 
You extend grace to me through my ignorance.

You deliver me into the storm, 
But you bring me out unscathed, 
You deserve the glory for my success, 
And yet you share the burden of failure.

God you take all of me even against my will, 
For it is by your will that you act,
And your will takes my heart and seals it, 
You consume my soul, and pour your love over me. 

So it is from the deepest depths of my heart I cry to you, 
I am thankful for you and your perfect plans, 
And how you love and lead all your people,
God I surrender to you and your will now and forever. 


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