Friday, February 4, 2011

What a Dental Hygienist Taught me about Scripture

This last year I have been furthering a relationship I have with a student. We have been praying and discussing things together, specifically have to evangelize to a college campus. It doesn’t really matter that she is a dental hygienist, other than the fact that she is very knowledgeable about her area of expertise, and it takes a special sort of someone to find disgusting mouths ‘interesting’. But I had a conversation with this student about caring for your teeth, and I felt it could be applied to other things more spiritual related.

Essentially the student was commenting on the fact that I was not caring for my teeth properly. My defense seemed to be that I was content with the amount of work I did caring for my teeth. The student explained that I had a lot of misconceptions when it came to what was needed to care for my teeth. I was under the impression that everyone’s teeth fall out eventually so I will just get dentures. I was under the impression that it didn’t matter how I cared for my teeth as long as I did something. 

The student explained to me that even if ‘everyone else’ gets dentures, I don’t need to, and I can keep my teeth healthy regardless of what the rest of the world does. She also explained that there are many different and important ways to keep your mouth healthy. We started discussing the idea of flossing. Flossing was something that is in my eyes, ineffective, repetitive, and time consuming. We spend a few minutes talking about flossing, when they I shared a secret confession with this student. I don’t know how to properly floss, which means that why I try it, I feel silly and like I am wasting my time. After a little sigh of relief, the student explained that she would educate and demonstrate how to floss, and how to do it effectively. 

This student seemed to have all the right answers. She had convinced me that caring for my teeth was important, and she was willing to help me do it better. But that didn’t change the fact that I still thought it was too difficult. I was unable to commit to flossing every day. This student then decided to help me set some goals. She asked me if I could commit to flossing one time per week. A task I said I figured was doable. We agreed that once flossing becomes something I am more experience at, I will do multiple times per week, until I am able to do it every day and remain excited about it. She even agreed to help me track my progression and monitor that I was staying true to my commitment. 

Now perhaps you are asking yourself what this has to do with anything other than teeth, or maybe you have figured it out already. But after this conversation I realized that it is important to keep your heart clean too. The problems I had with maintain my teeth, are the same problems other students have when trying to maintain a healthy spiritual life. One of the big problems students run into is the defense, “I am already doing enough.” The mindset that says; ‘Why pray when I encounter God through Scripture?’  or ‘Why read Scriptures when I hear God through prayer?’ But just like this dental hygienist was able to explain to me that brushing and flossing clean your teeth in different but equal ways, such is true of Prayer, and reading Scripture. 

I also didn’t want to clean my teeth because other people didn’t, and because I figured I would just get dentures and solve the problem later. But again this student made it clear that fixing the problem later won’t help me now. Also it doesn’t matter what the rest of the world does. I can keep my teeth clean regardless of everyone else, and I need to keep my hearth clean regardless of what others decide to do, in the church or otherwise. 

I also realized form this discussion that other students can see prayer, or engaging in Scripture as repetitive, ineffective, or too time consuming. A simple mindset can be all it takes for these people to have a desire to engage in Scripture and prayer, for them to realize the significance of it. But there are also students that (whether or not they will admit it) don’t know how to properly pray or read the Bible. All it takes is me leading these students in these activities. Just like this dental hygienist said she would lead me in how to properly floss. She even said she would provide me with the floss. I wonder how many students don’t own bibles, and yet I never think to buy one for them. 

The last point was the idea of goal setting. I knew flossing everyday was a ridiculous goal since I didn’t find flossing interesting at all. This student asked me to commit to flossing one time per week, (and try to enjoy it) and then slowly increase how much I do it, until it becomes exciting for me to do every day. I think I have too often challenged students to commit right away to praying or reading their Bibles every day. If these students think of this as a punishment, it won’t be very effective for them, and they certainly won’t have a desire to increase how much they do it. 

This student really convinced me of the importance of something she cared about. Which was great because I really care about Scripture, and sometimes I find it hard to get others to share the passion for the Word. But from this conversation I think I have a better understanding of how to get college students excited about Scripture. I know how to encourage them with an example, and I know how help them do it. Not to mention I can teach them how to Floss.

In case you were wondering the student is named Christie Rosenkrantz. Here is a link to her Facebook!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Last First

Yesterday marked a great occasion. It was my last first day of classes ever. (At this point I do not have plans for grad school etc.) There are many things I want to have happen this year. I want to finish strong academically. I want to leave a legacy in my InterVarsity chapter, and I want to transition well into the next part of my life. All of these things are going to be difficult and below I have a quick prayer for this semester.

I have said before that I want to 'get through' this year as quickly as possible. However, I have changed my mind and my attitude. I not longer want to rush through this year, or any other season of my life that you bring me to. I want to enjoy every minute of my time. I was dreading school starting again but I am happy to now see it as a blessing. I am no longer afraid, but excited of how you will move on this campus this year. 
I ask Father, that you will help me to honor you with my studies, and that somehow the information I am taught in my classes, will in turn bring me closer to you as I search for a element of your character hidden among the coursework. Please let my classes be a time where I can appreciate those who are more educated than I. Please let it be a time where I can humbly accept the way you have financially and graciously blessed me.
Spirit, please fill me now, and empower me with your discernment of what students to 'call' into ministry. Please prepare the hearts of those that you have chosen, and bless me with courage and boldness to extend your invitation to these elect.
I pray that as I transition out of my IV Chapter, that the legacy I leave behind would not be about me, but about You and your transforming power in my life. I ask that you would guide me in how to pass off the information and gifts that you have given to me to others. I ask that you would help me to set up these new students to stand on my shoulders, and be an even more powerful resource for You and Your Kingdom than I, or those who came before I. 
I pray that as I move into a new season of my life, that you would go ahead of me and lead me into it. Guide me and reveal to me the plans that you have laid out for me life. Please grant me the strength and courage to step into the plans faithfully and wholeheartedly . 
I am humble before you God, and I am eager to see how you will use me to reach the campus this semester. To you be the Glory and Honor forever and ever! 

A quick look back at 2010

Its official, it has almost been an entire year since I started this blog. I know I missed a few months there at the end of 2010, but here is a quick look back at some of posts from last year.

Also, you can click through the links under "Blog Summaries" to read any past posts.

First Post: Introduction to the blog and my life as a student missionary.
Bookshelves: A analogy of how God can use us.
The Blue Pill: A look at 'looking back'.
God Bless America?: What being a Christian in America can mean.
Loving Life: A post dedicated to looking at how being a Christian has helped my overall life.
The Gospel: My most personally challenging post, about hiding the Pearl of Great Price.

I look forward to having another excellent year, with even better posts.

I realize I am a little late, but Happy New Year!

Its been a long time...

First things first, new template designs are coming soon. I need to dig out some textbooks, and other web resources to get some coding done. For now there are more important matters at hand, so enjoy the temporary template!

I suppose some of you might have thought I tossed in the towel when it came to blogging. Or that I couldn't honor the commitment I made to my friend to maintain a blog for an entire year. However; in this case you be would incorrect. I took some time off, but I am glad to be back now to once again share my thoughts. Below I will take a minute to explain why I took a break, and what I am doing about it now.

My last blog post was dated Nov. 8th. During the month of November, some strange things happened to me and my faith. A few things happened which caused me to feel hurt and frustrated. This caused me to become angry with God. I started a journey down an unhealthy path to becoming more and more angry at God. It left me weak, without my source of sustenance. I led myself to fields of dirt and dried up streams instead of the fields of green and still waters God was trying to bring me to.

As a 'leader' of sorts in my church I have to be careful about what things I 'teach'. I found myself giving some advice to a student that was more what I wanted to say, and not what God wanted to say to this student. It was in that moment that I knew I needed to get things resolved. I took some time off of ministry, and suspended some other activities where I was in a position of authority. I spend some time with God listening and being patient.

After I started listening to God again, and was able to give better advice to students, I still wasn't ready to get back into blogging or the swing of my ministry. God asked me to rest, and he led me back to the still waters and green pastures that I needed. I was eager to get back to things I cared about, but I soaked up the oasis that God had led me too. Now that I have had my rest, God has called me to step faithfully back into my role in ministry. This includes picking up my blog again.

So I aplogize for now writing for a while. Maybe some of you didn't even notice. I only have a few 'regular' readers anyway. Which reminds me, if you are reading this blog for the first time or have read it a few times, why not consider subscribing by clicking the 'Follow' button or clicking this link.

All of this to say, that I am back and I have a lot to share, so enjoy this time you probably should be spending doing homework ;-p.

Monday, November 8, 2010


People like this fictional character Ryan walk the pedway of my campus every day. It is my prayer that God will Welcome them to the Real World.

(I do not claim to own the rights to this video.)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Renew the Campus

A few months ago I posted a blog post entilted 'Transform'. This was a three part blog post that was dedicated to examinaing the Intervarsity Mission Statement. This is part two of that post.
The first post can be read here.

The mission statement again is: Transform the lives of students and faculty, Renew the campus, and Change the world. This is the mission statement of the ministry that I have decided to commit a large portion of my life to, and I want to ensure that the ministry is actively moving towards all of these things. In this section I will examine the statement, renew the campus.

In just two days Intervarsity students will sit down in small groups of approximately 5 students, and discuss being a Christian with their campus mates. It will be freshman through seniors. It will be men and women. It will Christians, and non-Christians. I for one am very excited. This is something that our campus has never done before. We are working to get the campus talking to each other, as opposed to a 'teacher'. There were more than 65 people that committed to inviting someone to this event, and leading them into a healthy discussion well.

Another number which excited me was that there are 153 people that are involved in Intervarsity Small Groups this year. That is 153 that are being taught/prepared/equipped and then commissioned to 'Go and make disciples' That is so exciting to know. That is more students that are involved in campus ministries at some schools. That is enough people to have a small church. That is enough people to get the attention of our campus mates.

The last number I want to talk about is that there is roughly 300 students involved in Intervarsity's ministry. Now for a long time I have presented this number in a negative way. In a campus of 20,000 that means that there is only 1.5% of the campus involved in this ministry. This was a number that really upset me. I figured that 1% seems so small compared to grand scheme of everything. I felt completely insignificant. But recently I examined this number more closely.

It is true that 1.5% is not alot of the campus, but 1.5% of the entire population would be 120,000,000 (120 million). So 1.5% makes a big difference when dealing with big numbers. Not to mention that there is an Intervarsity student involved in each academic college and program on campus. Not to mention that there is at least 1 student living in each of the on campus residence halls. This means that these students are spread out all over the campus. Lastly, if all 300 students were to congregate in some of the dining areas on campus, it would break fire code. It would certainly be enough to get peoples attention.

So rather than present this statistic in a negative manner, I am proud to say that Intervaristy is helping to renew the campus. So far we have changed 1.5% of our campus. I am eager to see how God will renew the remaining students on campus through the next few years. So I say with great joy in the Lord Christ Jesus, 1.5 down, 98.5 to go!

Monday, November 1, 2010

A challenge

So I was going to write a blog post. But then God put something on my heart.

He told me to go and spend the time I would normally spend writing a blog, in prayer and in scripture. So I did. Then God told me to go and post this, so instead of taking the usual 10 minutes you would spend reading this blog post. Go spend that time in prayer and scripture.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Interview with a friend.

This blog post was inspired by my friend Joe.

Joe and I have known each other for a little while. Joe is not a Christian, and we have had many discussions about Christianity. Joe is really intelligent when it comes to religion, politics, sports, and lots more. Because of our very different opinions about faith we have certainly have some conflict in our friendship. But we have stuck it out, and the two of us have a good time hanging out. I was discussing with a friend, if Christian/non-Christian friendships work and are worth pursuing. I said definitely. Joe and I began to discuss some of the positives of our relationship and Joe decided to turn this into a blog post. He gave me permission to log the conversation and post it here. Most of what was said is a direct quote, only minor changes have been made for grammer, spelling, and context. Please check out Joe's blog here to learn some more about him.

The Interview:
(Chris will be in red, and Joe will be in blue)

In your words, how did you and Chris become friends?

Joe:  'Chris and Joe encountered each other at McKay. Joe was with a friend and Chris offered us a ride to IV. They then we found out that we were taking a class with each other in MGT 301.
I didn't talk to Chris a lot in MGT 301 and didn’t even want to ride with Chris to Herbert AZ to fall conference .Anyways I get to fall conference riding with my good friend Daniel Sloan.
Then I get grouped up with Chris’ bible study group, but I had a bad time at fall conference. He checked to see if I was alright and the seed was planted.
 Then Chris and I as well as a two others go out to the woods we encounter a nice sky with stars.
From then on we became friends.'

So how has our friendship changed since fall conference?

 Joe:  'After fall conference we started to talk more and made an effort to hangout.
Also other Christian friends didn’t have time to hangout or didn't want to.
 The experience at fall conference created a great chemistry in what otherwise shouldn't have been a friendship.'

So how have you benefited from being my friend?

Joe: 'I have benefited by learning more about the Christian way which I do have a disagreement with. The close friendship has built a bond of trust which is important. The sense of connection is strong, for instance, I can say the stupidest or do the stupidest thing and I feel like I still would have support at the least. When other friends would point negatives you don’t say ‘Shut up Joe or get over it’'

 How am I different from other Christian people you have been friends with in the past?

Joe:  'People I've talked to in the past that were Christian are sensitive, what I mean by that is if you say you like one of their friends they will go and tell them or if you say something politically incorrect they don’t want to hear it. When talking to you, Chris, I don’t feel the need to hide stuff from you. I can just be myself.'

What have you learned from me?

Joe: ' I have learned to watch what I say to people because sometimes it’s not going to benefit me. Also, Forget about the past and focus on the present. Lastly, Be more confident and stop being paranoid.'

What was your first impression of me before you knew me?

Chris: 'Ok, good question
So I remember running into Joe at IV, and class a few times, but I the thing I remember most was the first night of fall conference Joe was in my camp small group and we along with 2 other dudes were meeting in our bunk house. I thought Joe was really cool.
He told me that he wanted to be a sports announcer, and I totally thought he had the voice for it.
I actually assumed that the Joe was a Christian because it was a Christian camp, and he seemed to be just as knowledgeable as the other guys in the group'

What benefits do you see from our friendship?

Chris:  'Well my friendship with Joe has developed a lot throughout this year, but he has taught be a lot.
I benefit as a student, through Joe helping me study, and be accountable to my work.
I benefit as a person, through Joe helping me to be on time, true to my word, and listen carefully.
I benefit as a citizen, through Joe keeping me updated on social and political issues.
Also, I benefit as a Christian, through interesting conversations and prayer'

What are some of the strengths you see in Joe?

Chris: 'The strengths I see in Joe are as follows;
Joe is very passionate about certain things, he everything to things he cares about, like Phillies baseball. Joe is very intelligent, With a GPA of like 3.6 or something, and is able to think of really good points, when we are having conversations. Joe is also really loyal, I can count on him that he will do what he says he will do. Lastly, Joe has shed is fear of a lot of things he isn’t afraid to voice his opinion and takes a stand for what he cares about'

Where do you see our friendship going in the future?

Chris: 'I see our friendship continuing to develop. I foresee that we will continue to be friends, and will support each other through the rest of our college career, and even beyond. It is my great hope that Joe will one day join me in the ranks of Kingdom of Heaven, but I know that we will learn a lot from each other and both be better people because of our friendship either way.'

What have you learned from me?

Chris: 'I have learned that Scripture relates to everyone in some way. For example Joe loves sports analogies in the context of Scripture. I have also learned to be passionate about the things that you care about, and pursue them.'

 As you can see from this short interview, we have each learned something from each other. Joe and I are both better people because of each other. I am thankful for this friendship and I am eager to see how it continues to develop.